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Booking Express Travel Members Explore Bryce Canyon some members may have already explored the wonders of Bryce Canyon, why not set out and explore it yourself?

Although it is not listed as one of the natural wonders of the United States, it could very well be.

Perhaps overshadowed by the nearby Grand Canyon, this national park should draw your attention as well explains Booking Express Travel.

Red Sandstone mountains of Red Canyon by Booking Express Travel

The great pillar-laden canyon rivals any of the great natural wonders of the United States, or The Americas for that matter. Massive towers of sandstone jut from the desert floor and form the canyon’s base. The stone of the valley holds tightly to a rich geological character created in several shades of reds, yellows, oranges, and browns, which seem to glow in the midday sun.

The canyon manages to slip through the tourist radar as the majority of vacation plans focus around Grand Canyon, but it should not slip through yours. It is one of the very few places on earth that will take your breath away and instigate the word “wow” from your mouth. Such a broad area of a unique looking landscape can often lead us to wonder whether we’ve landed on another planet. It is a strange sensation that many Booking Express Travel members have already experienced.

The moon-like canyon´s exceptional beauty provokes people to stare with both curiosity and fascination alike. As the sun sets, the fusion of colors and shades turns this valley into perfect scenery for the photography aficionados. Such a beautiful thing could only be carved by the hands of nature over thousands of years of work.

Booking Express Travel suggests that if the Grand Canyon is in your vacation plans, a stop at Bryce Canyon should be added to your itinerary. Places like this make you realize how many beautiful destinations there are, and we still have yet to Discover.

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